The founding story


The music industry is stuck, with a silent majority of creators in the shadows - unseen, unheard, and underserved. The rule: profit over passion. 

This isn't dystopian fiction; it's the current state of the music industry.

This asymmetry has ignited the spark of change that fueled the birth of trppn - an ecosystem for music creators, by music creators. Initiated by four friends who shared a vision, the project has grown into a close-knit circle of music creators and enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds. 

Together, we share an unbreakable bond and a common set of values:

  • An unwavering passion for music and club culture
  • The aim to disrupt the broken music industry
  • A commitment to foster real-life connections, not digital isolation


trppn was founded in response to two pivotal trends. Firstly, as digital connectivity grows, we find ourselves becoming more isolated in real life, resulting in a loss of genuine human connections. Secondly, there is extreme disparity in the music industry, where only 1% of music creators are able to make a living. This is why trppn is building a creator-centric social network for music and club culture, leveraging the power of music to bring people together in real life once again.


  • reconnects people in real life
  • puts the needs of its users first, always
  • gives music creators visibility, income and power
  • provides music creators with direct and unrestricted access to their audience
  • promotes democratic decision-making
  • respects data ownership and privacy
  • stands for transparent distribution of power and capital

In the world of trppn, the music plays on, and users take center stage, because it's about time we rewrote the narrative of a broken system. For us, trppn is more than a project; it's a movement. Let’s take action and build something carried by the spirit of a community, something people genuinely want. Join and engage on this trp with us to build the future of music and club culture. trppn to reconnect.

Voices of creators supporting the mission:

Electric indigo (Musician / Composer / DJ):
Trppn is reintroducing the social element into media, as it incorporates real-life experiences. This makes it something new and extraordinary. The local context fosters strong connections with the scene, users, and fans. In other platforms, there's a race for attention, but with trppn, the objective is real-life experiences based on music preferences at actual events.

Jeremy (DJ):
Trppn is bringing balance and awareness to the club culture and social media. They highlight that the problem of the music industry is deeply rooted and profit-driven, with music not being at the center. With trppn there comes a chance to bring music and culture back into focus.

Anna (Event Organizer) WET Berlin/Vienna:
It’s difficult to stay in touch with cultural happenings on platforms, which rather commercialize than putting music forward, so there is a need for the club and music scene to get connected with other people who like the same style. With trppn there comes visibility for hosts, DJs, and partys.

DJ Terror (DJ / Event Organizer) Hyperreality Festival: 
As a DJ & event organizer, I can relate, dealing with self-promotion through social media is quite a hassle. Trppn is a tool that introduces new connections. On the flip side, it focuses on what matters most to me: music. It brings music to people and enhances the visibility of creators, showcasing the music being played. That's why I've been supporting the platform from the very beginning.

Reimundo Correra (DJ / Event Organizer) RES.RADIO:
Trppn makes a real difference in the music scene, helping artists in expanding their events, careers, and earnings. The app is a cool way to discover and enhance music: Users can find their next favorites, and artists can achieve growth. It also boosts visibility for new names, countering the overshadowing effect of big names on talented individuals.

Brunni Corsato (Visual Artist / Party Host / Curator):
There's so much value being produced by music creators and shared with their audiences but a lot of it is lost along the process. What excites me about trppn is the possibility to change this tide and start creating a new paradigm in the music industry, one that centers music creators and empowers them with tools to have ownership over their careers, livelihoods and relationship with their fans.